ZRP warns unions on protests

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has warned unions of organizing protests in the country

By Tatenda Matambo

May 15, 2024

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has warned workers and unions against the gatherings for protests slated for the 1st of May. In a statement ZRP said the gatherings should not be turned into protests saying its officers are on high alert. On May day,Zimbabwe will join the rest of the world in commemorating Workers Day .Labour organisations and workers from all parts of the country are expected to gather at various venues to commemorate the day,''said ZRP. The ZRP says all labour and workers should observe these celebrations peacefully as police will not allow any form of marching in the streets. The ZRP implored labour organisations and workers to hold the commemorations in a peaceful manner , in the same vein the police will not allow any form toyi-toyi processions or marching on the streets under the guise of commemorating the workers day,''said ZRP. What it means is that members of the public or workers should go straight to venues where commemorations for Workers Day will be taking place,''ZRP. ZCTU which gave birth to opposition politics will meet at Gwanzura Stadium in Highfield where they are expected to deliever adresses.

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